EDD: Business Angels develop team analysis software

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The Salzburg-based early-stage investors BWS-INVEST, together with the development team of MBIT, are starting out as founders themselves: with EDD – the world’s first team due diligence.

Business Angels and VCs decide daily whether an investment is worthwhile. For this purpose, pros and cons are weighed, all eventualities and probabilities are calculated. Only one essential question could not be answered well-founded so far. The team question: one of the main reasons why 9 out of 10 startups fail.

“The best business plans and all calculations are completely invalid if the founding personalities are not up to the task,” says CEO Thomas Stranig

The platform was developed to close this gap. 

EDD measures success-relevant characteristics, places them in a corresponding benchmark context and thus makes potential and risk factors visible in advance. The digital tool measures the characteristics of a total of 21 traits that distinguish successful entrepreneurs and support rapid growth – from self-efficacy and solution orientation to charisma, risk propensity, discipline, and value orientation.

The optimum speed: overheating threatens engine damage

When it comes to traits that are relevant to success, the maximum is not always positive: Certain traits can be both a strength and a weakness. If these are present to an excessive degree, they can turn destructive and even become a danger for the team and the entire company. It is therefore a matter of finding the optimum level that will ultimately lead to success. 

The platform provides decision-makers with a tool that not only complements traditional legal, tech and financial due diligence, but also forms a sound basis for reflection, optimization, and strategic team maneuvering. 

EDD can be booked at app.edd.team

 EDD Research GmbH
Institute of Team Due Diligence
Softwarepark 37, 4232 Hagenberg, AUSTRIA
+43 664 1420248, office@edd.teamwww.edd.team

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