We are FoundersToday

FoundersToday is a very fast growing Startup-News-Portal and PR Agency based in Austria.

We report comprehensively, quickly and qualitatively on Startups, Mobility, Crypto and all other topics that are important for Entrepreneurs and Founders.

Whether Digital, via Social Media, in Videos, at events – “FoundersToday wants to offer the lively Start-up scene a comprehensive platform with a journalistic core and shape it in constant exchange with them.

Do you have exciting input for us?
You can contact us at any time for Stories & Interviews: news@founderstoday.news

“Being featured on major news outlets is not an easy task — there is no public way to submit articles to those sites.”

We know that the key to improve conversions for our clients is trust — visitors who trust you become customers. For smaller companies, being associated with bigger ones can boost their reputations tenfold and can be the key to standing out from the competition.

Being featured on major news outlets is not an easy task — there is no public way to submit articles to those sites. No submission page, no email you can ask, the only way to get published is through private connections or with FoundersToday.

FoundersToday Team

Picture of Peter Oberlik

Peter Oberlik

Founder & CEO

The best Articles in our Network
