Education for Investors

FoundersToday works with various partners to offer as many useful resources as possible.

One of these partners is the Business Angel Institute.

The Business Angel Institute is set up as an independent non-profit initiative.

They developed the world’s first Certification for Business Angel Program (CBA)


The Certified Business Angel (CBA) is the world’s first independentinternational certification of individual Business Angels (ISO 17024). 

It is a registered trademark and is based on the verification of a candidate’s grasp of the standardized CBA Body of Knowledge.

Prerequisites for the CBA certification


In order to be eligible for a CBA certification, it is necessary to complete the Business Angel Institute CBA Course as preparation OR have a documented, at least one, successful Exit. 
After the passed course you can register for the CBA Certification at one of our independent ISO-certified examination partners.

CBA™ Certified Business Angel Program